Hey everyone!!!! I feel like this is a long time coming. Alex and I have discussed starting a blog when we first started our adoption journey 8 months ago. We knew it would be a great way for everyone to follow along our road to becoming parents. However, life, work, and laziness got in the way and this little project just kept getting put on the back burner. As you all know we were expecting to take the VERY LONG road to adoption and instead we got thrown onto the rocket ship and blasted straight through adoption. So why not start a blog when we are in the middle of a move, new jobs and an infant at home who is going for imminent heart surgery? GREAT IDEA!!

This will be a great avenue to keep everyone updated with Jaxson’s heart surgery and recovery next week. Instead of making those long, drawn out Facebook statuses you all can just come here for updates (if you want them of course). Also check out the links above if you’re interested in reading about our adoption journey, Jaxson’s story or why we chose to adopt a child with Down Syndrome.

I will do my best at keeping this blog up to date and recent, and I will be sure to send out notifications when new things are added. Don’t expect much, I ain’t no writer (that was intentional, I’m really not THAT uneducated :P).

So for now I just want to say “WELCOME” and hope you enjoy following along our crazy, fun life!


5 thoughts on “FIRST BLOG!!!

  1. OMG – I am ridiculously happy for you two! It’s been 12 years since my first baby and sometimes it still feels surreal – I’M A MOM!! Is Jax going to the Stollery for his surgery? Dr Reybeka was Zen’s surgeon twice and is AWESOME! Well, everyone there is awesome actually. It’s a tough road but love and faith will get you through it!


  2. Wow!!!! Just found your blog after our local DS society shared the link from CBC. I too have adopted a little boy with DS (being a single mom!). I live in Alberta too and he also had heart surgery at the Stollery. I would love to chat with you more about your story and share more of mine if your willing please contact me. If not I will continue to follow your story!


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