Jaxson’s Story


Jaxson was born April 24, 2014…

Wait, let’s back it up to when he was still cooking in the oven!  Jaxson’s birth mom (Which will only be touched on in this blog for her privacy) was young, scared and pregnant. The birth dad immediately wanted her to have an abortion, but she refused. When she went in for her 5 month ultrasound it was found that this little baby boy had a condition called AVSD (atrial ventricular septal defect). Which is a common condition of babies born with Down Syndrome. Birth mom was then encouraged to have an amniocentesis which indeed confirmed that her wee baby had Down Syndrome. At that news, the birth dad took off and wanted nothing to do with him. He did however make his wishes clear that he wanted birth mom to put this baby up for adoption. The birth mom gave birth to a perfect little boy who she named Jaxson on  April 24, 2014, 3 weeks early. Jaxson was fairly healthy at birth, however he was kept in the NICU for the following week for observation. Jaxson was finally discharged and ready to go home with birth mom. He was sent home with oxygen to help him breathe, but was otherwise fairly healthy. Over the following week that he was home, Jaxson was having issues feeding and so he was taken back and admitted to the hospital where he stayed for nearly 1 month. During that time Jaxson’s birth mom decided that she would be unable to care for him and would not be able to provide him with the medical support that he needs. She decided to contact a local adoption agency and make an adoption plan for her baby. She gave us the greatest gift of all. We have an open adoption in place and are very happy to have his birth mom a part of his life as well as ours.

Jaxson is home with us and growing like a little weed!!! Every doctor he has seen recently is very impressed with how ‘healthy’ is, in spite of the 2 large ‘holes’ in his heart. He is still on the home oxygen and will remain on it until he has his heart surgery. That dreaded heart surgery…. We are scheduled in for July 10 (less then 1 week from now!).  Other then his heart issues Jaxson is a very healthy, and happy baby.

There is not a doubt in our minds that Jaxson was meant to be ours. We couldn’t be happier with our little Pickle Pants!!!

5 thoughts on “Jaxson’s Story

  1. I am moved beyond words, your tender love for this precious little boy is wonderful. I am so sorry you have had to hear the horrible words of ignorant people. But we know he is a GIFT from God. Any one who has ever been around a DS child is blessed! You will never see a more loving, happy, joyful child! They are love at its purest form! God bless you and your precious family on this wonderful journey you have begun! Thank You so much for sharing your story………..this Nana has loved and appreciated every word and picture!


  2. What a wonderful life for the 3 of you.I have worked with special needs childen for over 40 years and I know how wonderful and funny they are.


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